Porn is one of the largest industries in the world. Porn goes above and beyond just cum inside tight pussy sex.. Porn is an activity that millions around the globe partake in daily. Each day, millions of users log in into their devices and consume some kind of porn: videos, comics, erotic novels, or even stories. In the United States of America, the porn industry is more profitable than Hollywood itself.
Porn has evolved a lot. From being one-dimensional videos showing people having top raw sex for no reason it has evolved into having hundreds of categories like: girlfriend, sucking, tits, cum inside tight pussy, amateur, interracial lesbian porn, orgy, hostel girl sex mms, real, pussy fucking, orgasm, threesome, real, step father fucks daughter and many more. These categories cater to the fetishes of millions of people and provide them the perfect fantasy they wanted. However, during its evolution, as the main source of consuming all forms of digital media shifted from desktops and laptops to various hand-held devices, so did the main source of consumption of porn.
The Stats
More than 50% of all porn that is consumed online is consumed on a mobile phone. Tablets make up for another 10% and more. This means that today, almost 2/3rd of all the porn that is consumed online is consumed on some form of a hand held device.
Slightly Other Forms of Consumption
Other than these common devices, VR devices are also gaining momentum as a new source for the consumption of porn. In fact, owing to their popularity, more and more porn companies are releasing videos having the best hard sex which can be watched on a VR device. The fact that these companies are going out of their way to shoot specialized porn for VR devices makes you realize just how profitable they are.